Mr. Chairman, the Resident Minister South, the P.C. Kakua Chiefdom, the Chairman Bo District Council, the Honorable Minister Health, the Most Rev. Charles A.M. Campbell, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Bo, the Joint Force Commander in the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces, the Brigade Commander Gondama, the Chief Medical Officer, the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, the Deputy CNMOs, Registrar, Sierra Leone Nursing and Midwifery Council, the UNFPA Representative, the Country Director Seed Global Health, FCDO Representative, staff of PIH, the MoH IHPAU team, the CHAMPS Team Bo, District Medical Officers, Medical Superintendents, the Caritas Sierra Leone Bo Family, the Principals of the Schools of Midwifery, Fellows of the West African Postgraduate College of Nursing and Midwifery, Presidents of the Sierra Leone Nurses Association and Sierra Leone Midwives Association, Directors, Programme Managers and Representatives from MoH, Principals and Heads of Nursing and Midwifery Training Institutions, Councilors, District Health Sisters (DHSs), Matrons, Community Health Officers, our Seed Educators, In-charges, Preceptors and Midwives , Distinguished Guests, the Chief and people of Nyandehun village, SoMBo Alumni, members of the media, graduands, staff and students good morning. I thank the Lord Almighty for all His grace and blessings during the year under review.
I welcome you all to another graduation ceremony of 56 Midwives (55 females and 1 male) just from the Midwifery factory of excellence – SoMBo. On behalf of the staff and management of SoMBo, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Graduands (Set 005) the Class of 2021-2023, another great milestone in the history of our drive for human capital development in the Health Sector.
Today, we are here to witness yet again, another graduation ceremony. A day to accentuate our resounding achievement of our graduands in the journey to becoming professional midwives. It is a special occasion – the culmination of years of hard work; the actualization of goals attained and the acknowledgements of successes. So, it is only fitting that we commemorate the road that they have traveled for the past two years. Our theme for this year’s celebration is “Midwives: A Vital Climate Solution”; which is the International Confederation of Midwives’ (ICM) theme for the 2024 International Day of Midwives.
Mr. Chair, distinguished guests, as an accountable leader, I am pleased to present the school report for 2023.
The school started in October 2017 as a four-year joint project with action medeor as the intermediary Civil Society Organisation and Caritas Sierra Leone Bo as the implementing partner which was quite a complex partnership. It was funded by the German Ministry of Development After four years of the multilayer partnerships, Caritas SL Bo handed over the school to the Ministry of Health although Caritas Sierra Leone Bo still remains the implementing partner for action medeor.
The vision of our institution is “a school of excellence, producing competent and committed midwives dedicated to delivering safe services that are acceptable, affordable and accessible to women and their newborns in the rural communities in Sierra Leone”.
The mission of our school is “striving to contribute to the reduction of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality by providing quality midwifery education to nurses and school leavers who will provide safe, effective, and respectful care to women, newborns and their families in Sierra Leone.”
The School of Midwifery Bo is an institution with total commitment to quality and excellence in academic pursuits. We are running a sustainable professional learning environment and continually looking for improvements and innovative teaching strategies to support students reach their full potentials. We currently have 83 student for the SECHN midwifery programme and 14 students in the Direct Entry Midwifery Programme.
The curriculum is aligned with ICM’s standards that focus more on clinical practice. Our students therefore spend 60% of their contact time in clinical placements and 40% in theoretical teachings in the classroom and simulation sessions in skills lab practice. Clinical experiences are gained in the following facilities: the district hospitals and DHMTs in the South, Kenema Gov’t Hospital, Panguma Hospital Koidu Government Hospital, and Kailahun Gov’t Hospital. Princess Christian Maternity Hospital, DHMTs Western area urban and rural, 34 Military Hospital, Kingharman Road and Rokupa Hospitals, Serabu Hospital, Mercy Hospital, Kindoya Hospital, Marie Stopes Bo, Family Planning Bo,
Public opinion holds that many of our graduates are doing well in their respective domains. Today, we are adding 56 midwives to the existing 242 midwives working in different districts across the country. It is amazing that SoMBo is proudly sharing concrete results and success stories spanning from 2017 to date to have contributed 298 Professional midwives to the national midwifery workforce. I think we deserve a thunderous applause for such a success. The school has vibrant alumni whose solidarity is exemplary.
Mr. Chairman, our Honorable Deputy Minister, behind the success of our graduands, there is a strong team of staff to whom I am highly indebted for their commitment and dedication. Currently we have a team of:
Five qualified midwife Educators
Two Seed International Midwife Educators
A school Administrator
A Finance Officer
An Advocacy Officer who also teaches research
An IT specialist who is also in-charge of the Computer Lan & Library
A Chaplin, who is a Guidance & Counseling specialist
Three drivers
Four security guards
Two Environmental Hygienists
Two Caterers and
Guest lecturers who support the faculty based on need and speciality
The school also continues to enjoy the privilege of sustained security coverage from Sierra Leone Police for which we appreciate the LUC East
On a sad note, we regret to announce that we lost one of our Faculty members Late Mrs. Velma Betsy Cole on the 22nd April, 2023. May God continue to console her family and us all, Amen.
The school will mark seven years of existence in October. We are pleased to have been able to make significant contributes to our land that we call Sierra Leone. The school has trained 298 midwives who are working in different districts across the country. Our graduates provide professional services both at clinical and community levels. Indeed, they are making a difference in their practice.
The school is fully accredited by the Sierra Leone Nursing and Midwifery Council and the Tertiary Education Commission
We continue to promote continuous professional developments for staff, preceptors and alumni.
The school commenced the Direct Entry Midwifery programme in April, 2023, which now allows for the admission of students straight from SSS 3 with 5 WASSCEs in the sciences.
The school has continued to maintain a high academic standard with an 89% pass rate in the last State Board Examinations.
We conducted continuous supportive supervision of students’ at clinical placement sites as the training prescribes 60% clinical practice a hands-on acquisition of skills.
The faculty has also developed the scope of practice for nurses and midwives with funds from Seed Global Health
We have improved collaboration with the Bo Government Hospital maternity unit an intervention that is being supported by Seed Global Health partnership. Educators spend 70% of their time in the maternity unit. This approach is a tacit way of transferring professional skills through coaching and mentorship. Thank you to our partners!
We trained 40 preceptors with each receiving a midwifery bag. It is our ardent hope that these preceptors would continue to provide mentorship to our young and inexperienced graduates.
Although the school seems to be flying quite high, management still continues to grapple with the following challenges:
We still do not have student hostels so, students continue to be deprived of experiencing campus life
Staff still shuttle from Bo to this site as there are no staff quarters
The school does not have a hall that can accommodate all the students at the same time for public lectures or for hosting staff and student assemblies
We still run stand by generators and use solar. Connectivity to the main EDSA grid is yet to be done.
The school is still exposed to the risk of burglary in the absence of a perimeter fence.
Distinguished guests, we are appealing to the Minister of Health and the Chairman who is the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Partners to help us address these if not all but some of these challenges which will improve on our working environment and the learning conditions and outcomes.
We are Lobbing for funds to support the construction of students’ hostel and staff quarters. We aspire to have more faculty to enable us begin Bachelor’s degree course in Midwifery and other midwifery related short courses and higher programmes for faculty. We hope to be able to construct a standard school hall. With the help of the Ministry, we hope to take full possession of this property on freehold from SLRSA as our initial lease expires.
The School has a vibrant alumni association whose solidarity is exemplary that has been of great support to the school. Thank you for making the difference. The school also provides refresher trainings for the new cohort of alumni members
To the graduands, this is the day you have longed for; the day the Lord had made to rejoice. On behalf of the Ministry of Health, SoMBo, and our Partners and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your success. You have made your relatives and all of us proud. As you enter the world of the midwifery workforce, please aim at offering the best care to meet the clients’ expectations. I want to share with you an expression by Oprah Winfrey, at a graduation ceremony like this where she told the graduands three things:
Know who you are and what you want to be in life
Find a way to serve, as a way to give back to community
Always do the right thing, let excellence be your brand
This is summarized as “ be the best version of yourself”
I also urge you to maintain your professional ethics, uphold them, remembering that you have been called “to love and serve”. I also encourage you to; aim at furthering your education in order to remain relevant.
Supports and Appreciations
To our dear Honorable Minister, I am very grateful that you honoured our invitation. My gratitude is equally extended to the government for all the wonderful support and collaboration we enjoy. It is my prayer that this collaboration continues to enhance the development of SoMBo. May God continue to bless you.
We are grateful for the support we get from our various partners like:
BMZ and EKFS through action medeor and Caritas Sierra Leone Bo who support in terms of allowances to Faculty, support staff salaries, tuition and allowances for students and running cost.
UNFPA has always been supporting since the inception of the school. We got support for tuition fees, students’ stipend, DSA and fuel for supportive supervision and support to ICT, and graduation ceremony.
Seed Global Health – Partnership with Seed Global Health who brought in two Educators. They have been of great help to the school and the maternity unit of the Bo Government Hospital. These Educators have also trained ten preceptors who support them in precepting our students and mentoring the staff at BGH maternity. Seed also gives some administrative and technical support to the school.
PIH – Special thanks go to the PIH team at the Koidu Government Hospital for their support to the school and our students during clinical placements with special thanks to Madam Isata Dumbuya and Patricia for their support to the students.
The work of training students is not done by school staff alone, but by a number of players both in the hospitals and PHUs, where the students go for their practical and community experiences. My gratitude is extended to all the stakeholders who are involved in this training especially Medical Superintendents, District Medical Officers, District Health Sisters, Matrons, Preceptors, CHOs and Heads or In-charges of Maternity Units where our students are posted for clinical placements, ward/unit staff and all health workers in the facilities. We are grateful for the good working relationship we have with all these stakeholders.
Our gratitude is also extended to the Chief Medical Officer, the Permanent Secretary MoH who is our chairman for this special day, Director Human Resource for Health, the Director of Training and Research, CNMO’s office and the Sierra Leone Nursing and Midwifery Council and the Sierra Leone Midwives Association for their continued support to the school.
In addition, we are grateful for the support we get Dr. Douglas McMullin, Medical Director, Shasta Community Health Center California for always supporting us with ambu bags for graduating students, Business for Health for supporting us with two tutors from the U.S. They also provided online teaching for the Faculty and students, the Sierra Leone Midwives Association and Mrs. Fatmata Gegbe for providing funds for the provision of gifts for proficiency to the deserving students. We are also grateful to Vica General Moses Kawa and Matron Ramatu Ngaujah for providing funds for the provision of gifts for Guidance and Counseling and Infection Prevention and Control modules respectively.
Last but not the least; I extend my appreciation to Vanessa Hugo and Wiebke Stork of action medeor for their support, the Ministry of Health, Bishop Charles A.M. Campbell, the Director and Staff of Caritas Sierra Leone Bo, the Chief and people of Nyndehun village, our Seed Educators and staff in the clinical placement facilities for training and guiding our students, my colleagues in the training school for preparing these graduands for their future and the joint effort of all the SoMBo staff, Seed educators, alumni and continuing students for organising this occasion. And to you all who have supported us in one way or the other, we are indeed very grateful. My greatest tribute is to the funders for the establishment of this our great institution; action medeor and those who had the vison of having this excellent midwifery factory.
To all of you our esteemed visitors, you are heartily welcome, feel at home, and may God bless you now; and as you journey home.
Finally, I thank the Lord Almighty for sustaining and guiding this school to date.
Thanks to one and all may God bless you!
Patricia Mokuwa Juana-Kamara
H. O. S
12th April, 2024
Wow! That was a wonderful and delightful moment. We are pleased to announce that the School of Midwifery Bo Campus has now enrolled the latest batch of students for the academic year 2024/2025. Set 006A and Set 006B have been activated and are currently present on the school campus.
SET 006A
SET 006BThe Ministry of Health and Sanitation, the Management and Staff of the School of Midwifery Bo and Caritas Bo are pleased to inform the general public and interested SECHNs that the School will be offering Midwifery as a post-registration course for a period of 2 years. The training is scheduled to commence in October, 2023.
Admission Criteria
Must possess a SECHN Certificate and an updated License to practice from the Nurses and Midwives Council, Sierra Leone.
Must be committed and interested in working in remote, rural communities.
The training is opened to both Males and Female applicants
Recommendation Letter from a Referee (Employer or Manager)
Applications are now opened from Wednesday, 19th July 2023 from 9 am – 3 pm daily on Mondays – Fridays to the 11th August, 2023 at 3:00pm.
Kindly pass on this information to all interested SECHNs (Trained Nurses) in your respective institutions.
Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview
Personal interviews with an interview panel will be conducted. Original documents as stated in the advertisement will be required.
Selected candidates will go through a health screening for fitness by a government employed medical doctor
Note: Application forms will be paid for at a non-refundable fee of NLe 400. 00 only at: UBA Bank, 73 Dambala Road Bo. Account: Caritas Bo, Midwifery School 540610310000224
Forms should be collected from the Caritas Bo Office at the Pastoral and Social Center 41 New Gerihun Road Bo upon submission of bank slip as proof of payment.
Signed by:
Patricia Mokuwa
Head of School
Today, as you graduate from the School of Midwifery Bo, with a certificate in hand, I challenge each of you to make a difference in whatever you do. Remember that life didn’t end when we re-entered school. Life continued throughout our program.
Your achievements over the past two years have been an honor. And so I offer my congratulations to each of you for achieving the honor that comes with the School of Midwifery Bo graduation. Up to this point, SoMBo may be the most exciting and difficult experience of your life. You’ve enjoyed the carefree and happy times with friends, and classmates. You’ve had your bad days too, though. The days when you run late to catch up with the school bus, or when you couldn’t stop falling asleep in class and you are asked by the tutor to go outside and stand for a while. But far worse were the times when you felt alone. You’ve all had days of personal crisis when you’ve felt rejected by those around you or alienated from them.
What feels even better is all of the knowledge that you have acquired about the profession that society needs in order to function in times of despair.
There are few things more liberating in this life than having your worst fear realized. Today I tell you that whether you fear it or not, disappointment will come. The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality, backed up by hard work, kindness, and amazing things that will happen to you.
Congratulations set 004 for the marvelous work done. Thank you for this opportunity and good luck to you all.
Madam Chair, the Honorable Minister of Health and Sanitation, the Most Rev. Charles A.M. Campbell, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Bo, the P.C. Kakua Chiefdom , the German Ambassador, the Chief Medical Officer, Director of Training and Research, the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, the Deputy CNMOs, Registrar NMC, Representative of action medeor, the UNFPA Representative, the Country Director Seed Global Health, FCDO Representatives, staff of PIH, the MoHS IHPAU team, the CHAMPS Team Bo, District Medical Officers, Medical Superintendents, the Obstetrician Gynaecologist Bo Government Hospital, the Caritas Sierra Leone Bo Family, the Principal National School of Midwifery, Fellows of the West African College of Nursing , Presidents of the Sierra Leone Nurses and Midwives Associations, Directors, Programme Managers and Representatives from MoHS, Principals and Heads of Nursing Training Institutions, Councilors, District Health Sisters (DHSs), Matrons, Community Health Officers, our Seed Educators, In-charges, Preceptors and Midwives , Distinguished Guests, the Chief and people of Nyandehun village, SoMBo Alumni, the grandaunds, , members of the media, staff and students of SoMBo, I greet you all.
I heartily welcome you all to this very special graduation ceremony of 93 Midwives (3males and 90 females) just from the Midwifery factory of excellence – SoMBo; the highest since the inception of the school. On behalf of the staff and management of SoMBo, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Graduands (Set 004) the Class of 2020-2022.
This is our humble contribution to the national human capital development drive. We note that graduation is always a very special occasion, which marks another milestone in the lives of our fresh and professional graduands. Our theme for this year’s celebration is “Together again: from evidence to reality”; which is the ICM’s theme for the 2023 International Day of Midwives
Madam Chair, distinguished guests, I am honoured to share the school’s report for the year 2022.
The School has been in existence for the past five years. It started as a four-year joint project which was funded by the German Ministry of Development with action medeor as the intermediary Civil Society Organisation and Caritas Sierra Leone Bo as the implementing partner which was quite a complex partnership. After four years of the multilayer partnerships, Caritas SL Bo handed over the school to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation although some administrative functions are still designated to Caritas Sierra Leone Bo.
The School’s mission statement is “striving to contribute to the reduction of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality by providing quality midwifery education to nurses and school leavers who will provide safe, effective and respectful care to women, newborns and their families in Sierra Leone.” This mission clearly aligns with the new policy directives of “Direct Entry Midwifery.”
We were offering two years midwifery training for SECHNs who were willing to be deployed in rural communities. The curriculum is a competency-based modular structure according to ICM with 40% Theory and 60% clinical practice. We have trained these SECHNs to be Midwives with the knowledge, skills and correct attitude to improve on our maternal and newborn care in the country especially in rural communities. The school has recently been accredited by the Nurses and Midwives Council as well as the Tertiary Education Commission to start the Direct Entry Midwifery (DEM) Education. This is our national drive to making education relevant and responsive to the demand side of healthcare services in the country.
The curriculum is aligned with ICM standards that focus more on clinical practice. Our students therefore spend 60% of their contact time in clinical placements and 40% theoretical teachings in the classroom and simulation sessions in skills lab practice. Clinical experiences are gained in the following facilities: the district hospitals and DHMTs in the South, Kenema Gov’t hospital, Princess Christian Maternity Hospital, DHMTs Western area urban and rural, 34 Military Hospital, Kingharman Road and Rokupa hospitals, Panguma hospital, Serabu hospital, Mercy Hospital, Kindoya Hospital, Marie Stopes Bo, Family Planning Bo, Koidu government hospital, and Kailahun gov’t hospital.
Many of our graduates are doing great work in their respective domains. Today, we are graduating another 93 professional midwives to add to the existing 149 midwives working in different districts across the country. It’s amazing so soon, that SoMBo has contributed 242 Professional midwives to the national midwifery workforce. I think we deserve a thunderous applause for such a success. We now have vibrant alumni whose solidarity is exemplary. The Alumni of the school was launched in October last year during the school’s 5th year anniversary.
The school has a committed and dedicated staff as follows:
At management level, we have the Director of Caritas Sierra Leone Bo Mr. Alex Sefoi Macavoray, Head of School Patricia Mokuwa, Dr. Fredrick Kobba and Mr. William Kanu the Finance Officer.
Academic staff
This comprises the following:
Sr. Fatmata J. Dabo – a Senior Midwife Educator. She supervises the skills Lab Manager
Mrs. Velma Cole– Senior Midwife Educator.
Sr. Bariatu Bawoh – Midwife Educator in charge of student placements and supportive supervision of students
Sr. Fatmata Dakowa – Midwife Educator – she is the skills lab manager
Sr. Mariama Lumeh – Class coordinator for the continuing students Set 005
Very Rev Fr. Moses Kawa – is our Chaplin, Guidance & counseling specialist which is a unique outfit of SoMBo, one of the ways in which SoMBo is making a difference
Mr. Ira B. Mccarthy – is our IT specialist in-charge of the Computer Lan & Library.
Adelaide Debrah and Alice Msiasa – Our international Educators who serve as preceptors and mentors .
Support Staff
Dolly Williams – alias ‘Mama G’ as the School Administrator.
Miss Angela Tity Kamanda – Caterer in-charge of the school canteen supported by two of her colleagues: Susan and Fatmata Conteh
Saidu Fullah – senior driver who drives the students’ bus
JosephMomoh – driver for the land cruiser, he drives the staff to and from school
Foday Johnny and Daniel Kamanda – are the Environmental Hygienists who make sure the compound is always clean.
Securities: Mr. Ibrahim Mbayo chief security, Mr. Francis Domingo, Jameel Nyande and Sheku Boima in-charge of security
The school also continues to enjoy the privilege of sustained security coverage from Sierra Leone Police for which we appreciate the LUC East.
INFRASTRUCTURE: Our infrastructure includes:
The school offices for staff
Two classrooms with hanging projectors in each,
A conference hall with a hanging projector
High Simulation Skills Laboratory with high, medium and low fidelity mannikins, models and equipment for various midwifery procedures and other teaching aids
A Computer Lan with computers that can accommodate 29 students at a time to enable each student has access to a computer. We offer basic computer training for the students. The students have free access to internet for their assignments and personal research.
Library-textbooks and journals of latest editions. The library can accommodate 30-35 students at a time
fully equipped kitchen and dining halls in a hygienic atmosphere
Volley ball court and a mini pavilion
We are still missing out student hostels which will make our students enjoy campus life.
Partner Contributions
BMZ and EKFS through action medeor are the main contributors to the school through Caritas Sierra Leone Bo in terms of allowances to Faculty, staff salaries, tuition and allowances for students and running cost.
UNFPA Sierra Leone
UNFPA has always been there since the inception of the school. The school received support in terms of students’ allowances, DSA and fuel for supportive supervision and support to ICT.
MOHS/IHPAU/IsDB Offered scholarships that covered fees for some of the graduating students.
WHO supported the development of the Direct Entry Midwifery programme curriculum for the country.
Seed Global Health – Partnership with Seed Global health was confirmed during the reporting period. Two Educators Jennifer and Adelaide were recruited. Jennifer’s contract ended in December and returned home. We are grateful for her contributions. Alice has been recruited to replace Jennifer. The Educators have been a blessing to the school and the maternity unit of Bo government hospital (BGH). They are serving as Preceptors to our students and mentors for the staff at BGH maternity. Seed also gave some administrative and technical support to the school and provided three hanging projectors for the classrooms and conference hall and a laptop for me.
We want to thank the Director of Training and Research, CNMO’s office and the Registrar of Nurses and Midwives for their support to the school.
We must be grateful to the DMOs, DHSs, Matrons, Preceptors, CHOs and Heads or In-charges of Maternity Units where our students are posted for clinical practice.
Special thanks to the PIH team at Koidu government hospital for their support to students during clinical placements with special thanks to Isata Dumbuya for their support to the school.
We are grateful to Dr. Douglas McMullin, Medical Director, Shasta Community Health Center California for supporting the school with 93 Ambu bags for the graduating students which he has been doing for the past years.
We also thank Mrs. Fatmata Gegbe for providing funds for the provision of gifts for proficiency to the deserving students.
We also received gifts from the IPC National Coordinator, Matron Christiana Kallon for deserving students in the IPC module. Thank you matron.
The ALUMNI has been of great support to the school. The covering on the stage is done by the Alumni thus reducing the cost for canopy rental for our programmes. Thank you for making the difference.
Let me mention some of our major achievements
Trained additional 93 midwives to be added to the midwifery workforce
One faculty completed BSc her Hons in Nursing
One faculty completed her Master’s degree in Public health
Conducted supportive supervision of students’ at all clinical placement sites.
Conducted successful EmONC trainings in Kailahun and Pujehun DHMTs in collaboration with GIZ
Reviewed and validated the current school’s Curriculum
Supported and participated in joint supportive supervision with Bo and Moyamba DHMTs of students and preceptors
Conducted training for 60 preceptors and gave each a midwifery bag with funds from action medeor
Conducted training for midwives and on the leading causes of maternal deaths in Bo and Moyamba districts and other relevant topics
Improved collaboration between the BGH maternity and the school since the Seed partnership with the school as the Educators spend 70% in the maternity
In addition to academic work, the school had its first inter-house sports competition with additional events relating to midwifery practice like Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC), hand hygiene thus blending work and play.
CHALLENGES: Although the school seems to be flying quite high, management still continues to grapple with some challenges including:
Lack of student hostels so, students don’t experience campus life
No Staff quarters at the moment
No big hall that can accommodate all the students at the same time
Lack of connectivity to main EDSA electricity supply grid in the school area
Lack of perimeter fence thus exposing the school to the risk of burglary.
Distinguished guests, we are appealing to the Minister of Health and Sanitation and Partners to help us address these challenges which will improve on our working environment and the learning conditions and outcomes.
On a sad note, we regret to announce that we lost one of our students, Theophelus Senesie in the January, 2022. May God continue to console the family especially today that the elder sister is graduating, it would have been both of them graduating.
The Graduands
To the graduating class, this is the day you have been longing for; the day the Lord has made for you; you deserve to rejoice on this day. After the toil of lectures the stress of clinical placements, daily school attendances, anxieties over examinations and assignments, which at times you may have thought, were never going to end; now here you are, Smart, Shinny and skilled filled graduands. On behalf of the MoHS and SoMBo and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your remarkable achievements.
Celebrate your achievements with your families and friends who have supported you. Thank them for their valued support and sacrifices which were an integral part of your studies, and make them even more proud of you as you develop your careers and help to make a better built nation. I wish you all a bright future and the best when you contribute to health service delivery in your communities.
Allow me to use this opportunity to appeal to you, to remind you of the reasons you gave in your applications for the course that you want to help reduce the maternal mortality, please apply yourself in whatever capacity you find yourself act with diligence and a sense of personal integrity as true ambassadors of SoMBo. May the good Lord lead you always in all your future endeavours, Amen!
I shall be failing in my duty, if I do not thank the Catholic Diocese of Bo for the opportunity to serve, the MOHS for approving our postings to work in the school, Vanessa Hugo, action medeo, Caritas Bo, esteemed faculty members, support staff members and Alumni who contributed to various developmental activities to take place in the school.
I also wish to express my indebtedness to all who in their own ways have helped in raising this institution to where it stands today. I owe my gratitude to our Honorable Minister of Health and Sanitation for always honouring our invitation, the Chief Medical officer, the Director of Training and Research, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer and her Deputies, the Registrar Nurses and Midwives Council, the DMO Bo, the matrons, DHSs, preceptors, In-charges, Midwives, and our Chairman for this special occasion.
Dear graduands, continuing students and Alumni, my heartfelt thanks to all of you. I am sure that our collective endeavors shall take our school to greater heights in serving our beloved country. And thank you very much to our distinguished guests for gracing this day with your presence.
Finally, I thank God Almighty for sustaining and guiding this school.
Thanks to one and all and God bless you!
Patricia Mokuwa Juana-Kamara
H.O. S
Today the 6th of December 2022 marks hopefully the end of set 004A and 004B as a school-going student in the School of Midwifery Bo.
The set 004A and 004B Students are taking the State Final examinations which show that they are eligible to be a Midwife for our beloved country Sierra Leone. Indeed though all exams are unpredictable, the smile on the faces of our students when coming out of the exams hall shows that they have indeed mastered the theory paper of the State Final exams.
As I interviewed a few of the students after exams, I was told by them that most of the questions that came in the State Final exams were really taught by their tutors and were really well explained by them. In that light, it was an easy workover for them.
As for the State Final practical exams, there was no cause to complain since practical is what makes them Midwives.
We thank God that the State Final Exams went on successfully and hope that all our students will be successful.
Students taking their State Final theory Exams
Student taking their State Final practical exams
On the 2nd November 2022, Set 004A and Set 004B start their school final exams. They started the theory exams in the morning and ended with the practicals at noon.
The “school final exams” is indeed a way of preparing for the upcoming” state final exams” in December for the final year students to achieve their goal as a “midwife”.
The school of midwifery Bo started celebrating their 5th year’s anniversary on the 2oth October 2022 with a health walk within the city street of Bo. It was a great and colorful moment for both the past and present students of the great school.
On Friday the 21st of October 2022, it was the 5th year anniversary and lunch of the Alumni at the school premises in Nyandehun.In the evening, the school had its Dinner and Dance at the SLOCI relaxation hall.
On Saturday 22nd October 2022, the school organized a sport in the Bo Government Secondary school compound field. The house colors for the sports march are a few of our donor organizations that have really helped the school so far. They are as follows:
The yellow house which is Quant Family immerges as the victor in the sports meeting that day.
Sunday the 23rd of October 2022, was Thanks Giving Sunday. The entire staff, present students, and Alumni match through the municipality of Bo city to the Immaculate Heart Church (Saint Francis church) to give thanks to God Almighty.
After the church service, the entire group matches back in the city of Bo and ended at the Bo Government Secondary School Compound.
It was really a four days momentum and sparking in the eyes of everyone who witnesses this great Occasion. It was a historical and remarkable moment for both past and present students to see each other. Friends that have taken years were seen again and memories were freshly opened about their past glories and pain in the academic struggle while they were studying in the Midwifery school. At the end of it all, it was a blissful 5th year anniversary that will never be forgotten in the history of The School of Midwifery Bo.
MORE MIDWIVES GET INTO THE HEALTH SECTOR FROM SCHOOL OF MIDWIFERY BO (SOMBO)The School of Midwifery Bo (SOMBO) on Friday 10th December 2021 graduated 50 midwives.While commissioning the graduates, Minister of Health and Sanitation Dr. Austin Hinga Demby said he was happy to be part of the land mark occasion. He said midwives play an integral part in reducing Maternal and Newborn Mortality and that Midwifes have saved thousands of lives before.
He further said that the training education and tireless work of midwives have been a crucial step towards achieving the sustainable Development Goals and Presidential Priorities in the Health Sector in Sierra Leone. He also said that midwives provide other life-saving reproductive Health Information and Services, which he said included antenatal and postnatal care and family planning.
Minister of Health and Sanitation: Dr. Austin Hinga Demby
Mr. Chairman, the Honorable Minister of Health and Sanitation Dr. Austin Demby, the Most Rev. Charles A.M. Campbell, Bishop Catholic Diocese of Bo, the P.C. Kakua Chiefdom Prince Lappia Boima, the CMO, Director of Training and Research MOHS, the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, the Deputy Chief Nursing Midwifery Officers, Registrar Nurses and Midwives Board, the UNFPA Representative, the Country Director ICAP, District Medical Officers, the Caritas Family, Past President WACN and President of the Post Graduate College of Nursing and Midwifery, vice president West African College of Nursing (WACN), Chairman WACN Sierra Leone Chapter, the Principal National School of Midwifery, Fellows of WACN, Presidents of the Sierra Leone Nurses and Midwives Associations, Head of School of Midwifery Makeni, Directors, Programme Managers and Representatives from Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Principals and Heads of Nursing institutions, the chairman Bo District Council, the Mayor Bo Municipality, District Health Sisters, Matrons of the various hospitals here present, Community Health Officers, In-charge, Distinguished Guests, the grandaunts, Preceptors and Midwives, SoMBo Alumni (Set 001 and 002), members of the media, the Chief and people of Nyandehun village, Distinguished guests, staff and students of SoMBo, good morning.
It is my pleasure to welcome you all to another graduation and prize giving ceremony of the School of Midwifery Bo. From a humble beginning to date, the school continues to celebrate her successes and achievements. It gives me great pleasure and honour to have you join us on this very important occasion as we contribute anther cohort of certified midwives to join the midwifery workforce in Sierra Leone. Our international identity makes us proud to use the ICM theme for the 2021 International Day of Midwives “Follow the Data: invest in midwives” for this occasion.
Mr. Chairman, distinguished quests, today is another remarkable day as we successfully celebrate the graduation of another 50 newly qualified midwives (4males and 46 females) contributing to the Midwifery workforce in Sierra Leone. On behalf of the staff and management of SoMBO, I would like to take this opportunity to heartily congratulate all the graduands here today; Set 003; the Class of 2019-2021. I commend you for your dedication, diligence and hard work, all of which, and more, have brought you here to your successful graduation.
You have worked hard! You and your family ought to feel proud of your achievements; proud graduates of this school of excellence -SoMBo where we are committed to making a difference in the midwifery profession in Sierra Leone.
Mr. Chairman, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, in compliance with the principle of downward accountability, I feel honoured to share with this august gathering the score card of the School of Midwifery Bo (SoMBo) for the reporting period 2020-2021. Our school admitted 50 student midwives in 2019. Today, we are proud to report a 100 percent completion rate of 50 midwives in December, 2021.
Please permit me to give a brief over view of the school for those who are perhaps visiting us for the first time.
The School of Midwifery Bo (SoMBO) was born in response to the country’s urge to reduce the high maternal and newborn mortalities as a contribution by the Catholic Diocese of Sierra Leone Bo, southern Sierra Leone.
Caritas Bo which is the Development Wing of the Catholic Diocese of Bo together with partners like action medeor, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, developed the project concept of setting up a midwifery school in the southern region of the country. The school opened in 2017 and can be seen as an important contribution to strengthening the health system in Sierra Leone.
The goal is to compliment Government’s efforts in reducing the high maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality rates through Midwifery education in Bo District.
A school of excellence, producing competent and committed midwives dedicated to delivering safe services that are acceptable, affordable and accessible to women and their newborns in the rural communities in Sierra Leone
The School of Midwifery Bo strives to contribute to the reduction of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality by providing quality midwifery education to nurses who will provide safe, effective and respectful care to women, newborns and their families in Sierra Leone
VALUES – Accountability, Stewardship and Integrity
MOTTO: Competence, Quality, Integrity
We offer two years midwifery training for SECHNs who should be willing to be deployed in rural communities. The curriculum is competency-based modular structure according to ICM with 40% Theory and 60% clinical practice. We train these SECHNs to be Midwives with the Knowledge, skills and correct attitude to improve on our maternal and newborn care in the country especially in rural communities.
At the inception of the school, 50 student midwives were admitted (48 Females & 2 Males) as Set 001 in November 2017
Set 002 was admitted in June 2018 (50 Female student Midwives no males)
Set 003 was admitted in June 2019 (46 Females & 4 Males)
Set 004 (batches A and B) 57 in each class as a way of increasing the number with 004 A having 4 Males.
The first graduation was on 13th December, 2019
Second graduation was 11th December 2020
And today the third graduation on 10th December, 2021.
The curriculum is aligned with ICM standards that focus more on clinical practice. Our students therefore spend 60% of their contact time in clinical placements and 40% theoretical teachings in the classroom and simulations in skills lab practice. Thanks to the US Government through ICAP for upgrading our simulations lab. Clinical experiences are gained in the following facilities: the district hospitals and DHMTs in the South, Kenema Gov’t hospital, Princess Christian Maternity Hospital, DHMTs Western area urban and rural, 34 Military Hospital, Panguma hospital, Serabu hospital, Mercy Hospital, Marie Stopes Bo, Family Planning Bo, Koidu government hospital, and Kailahun gov’t hospital.
The school currently has a total population of 157 students (8 males 149 females)
The graduating class has 50 students (4 males and 46 females).
Mr. Chairman, distinguished quests, it is with pleasure that I inform you that 50 graduands will be adding to the midwifery workforce of Sierra Leone today.
The school’s Mantra is “making a difference” in Midwifery Education and practice by promoting quality and respectful maternity care. Our products are expected to work in rural communities to help improve on the high maternal and infant mortality and morbidity rates in the country. We also believe that there will be opportunities for the graduates to benefit from continuous professional development as part of their in-service support.
Mr. Chairman, I am happy to report that SoMBo has a number of full-time competent staff to strengthen the academic faculty as well as in management. At management level, we have the former Director of Caritas Bo Dr. David S. Yambasu (who left us in September this year) who together with the Most Rev Charles A.M. Campbell have played very pivotal roles for us to have a Midwifery school in the South; Mr. Thomas Johnny the Programme Manager, Mr. Patrick Dauda and Mr. William Kanu the Finance Officers.
Academic staff
This comprises the following:
Dr. Fredrick Kobba – who is the Advocacy officer for the new project who works more with the Bo and Moyamba DHMTs and the Midwives association.
Sr. Fatmata J. Dabo – a Senior Midwife Educator who has just completed her Masters in Educational Administration at Njala University. She supervises the skills Lab manager
Mrs. Velma Cole– Senior Midwife Educator in-charge of Students and Staff welfare committees pursuing her BSc Hons. In nursing at Njala University
Sr. Bariatu Bawoh – a teaching Assistant in-charge of student allocation; she is awaiting her BSc Hons. Degree in Nursing Education with specialization in Midwifery from COMAHS.
Sr. Fatmata Dakowa – a teaching Assistant a hard working Nurse-Midwife the skills lab manager; also awaiting her BSc Hons. degree in Nursing Education with specialization in Midwifery from COMAHS.
Mrs. Hawanatu Kabia – who was deputizing me but recently relocated to Freetown for domestic reasons.
Very Rev Fr. Moses Kawa – is our Chaplin and Guidance & counseling specialist which is a unique outfit of SoMBO, one of the ways in which SoMBO is making a difference
Mr. Ira Marcarthy – is our ICT specialist in-charge of the Computer Lan & Library.
We also have guest lecturers in the persons of Dr. Peter B. Samai, Mrs. Fatmata Gegbe also a Midwife Educator Lecturer Department of Nursing Njala University.
Support Staff
Dolly Williams – commonly known as ‘Mama G’ is the School Administrator. She is such a committed, respectful and dedicated staff.
Miss Angela Tity Kamanda – is the Caterer in-charge of the canteen where we all have our lunch. She is been supported by two of her colleagues:
Susan and Fatmata Conteh – are also dedicated to their work, I am sure the students will miss the canteen
Saidu Fullah and JosephMomoh are the bus drivers with Saidu being the senior. Almost all the students have their telephone numbers; they call them to know their locations especially in the morning.
Foday Johnny and Daniel Kamanda – are the Environmental Hygienists who make sure the compound is always clean. They are both committed and hard working
Securities: Mr. Ibrahim Mbayo chief security, Mr. Francis Domingo, Jameel Nyande and Sheku Boima in-charge of security
The school also continues to enjoy the privilege of sustained security coverage from RSLAF. We say a big thank you to the Brigade Commander and his men and women.
The school has the following office spaces:
Principal’s Office
Office for Advocacy Officer
Staff room
Office for Chaplin/Guidance Counselor
Administrator’s Office
2 Classrooms
Conference hall
High Simulation Skills Laboratory with high, medium and low fidelity mannikins, models and equipment for various midwifery procedures. We also have DVD players and Plasma TV and videos for audio visual teaching
Computer Lan with computers that can accommodate 29 students at a time so each student has access to a computer. We offer basic computer training for the students.
Library-with additional textbooks and journals of latest editions. The library can accommodate 30-35 students at a time.
Canteen where students have their lunch. It can accommodate 50-60 students
Volley ball court and a mini pavilion
However, the lack of accommodation for students is still a critical challenge for both students and staff. At the moment, the programme is non-residential. More than 90% of the students stay in Bo while only few stay in the village. The school has made deliberate efforts to find a solution to the accommodation need by acquiring 20 acres of land for the construction of quarters and student hostels and a practicing clinic for students and faculty. We are desperately looking for partners or collaborators who can invest in public infrastructures so that together we can support students to enjoy campus life.
Partner Contributions
BMZ and EKFS through action medeor are the main contributors to the school project through Caritas Sierra Leone Bo.
The government of Sierra Leone through MoHS deployed the Head of school and 4 other teaching staff to the school.
UNFPA Sierra Leone
UNFPA has always been there since the inception of the school. The school receives support in terms of tuition fees, students’ allowances, DSA and fuel for supportive supervision and modem subscriptions.
ICAP refurbished, equipped and upgraded the skills lab to a high standard simulation skills lab with high fidelity mannequins and training of faculty in Simulation-based education. We say a big thank you to Dr. Mame Toure, the country Director for ICAP and your team for this big support to the school. We can now combine classroom teaching with skills lab simulations to ensure that our students grasp each and every concept thoroughly.
MOHS/IHPAU/IsDB Offered scholarship that covers fees for 114 students who are now in the second year of their programme. Thank you for your support.
WHO is supporting the development of the Direct Entry midwifery programme curriculum for the country.
Thanks to Frida Berg Technical Officer Nursing and Midwifery WHO for your support towards gifts for deserving students
We want to thank the Director of Training and Research, CNMO’s office and the Registrar of Nurses and Midwives for their support in making this day a success.
We must be grateful to the DMOs, DHSs, Matrons, Preceptors, CHOs and Heads or in-charges of Maternity Units where our students are posted for clinical practice.
A special thank you to Dr. Joan Shepherd through ICAP for her support in setting up our simulation skills lab. She is also the consultant for the review of our curriculum
Special thanks to the PIH team at Koidu government hospital for their support to students during clinical placement with special thanks to Isata Dumbuya.
We are also grateful to Dr. Douglas McMullin, Medical Director, Shasta Community Health Center California for supporting the school with Ambu bags for the graduating students which he has been doing for the past years.
We also appreciate Mr. Usu Sannoh, Board Chairman Bo Children’s hospital who recently donated a pelvis teaching model, midwifery textbooks and journals to the school.
We are grateful to Mr. James Charles Gombay, Alias J.C. the best who composed the school song and has been supporting the choir in all our graduation ceremonies. Thank you J.C the best.
Upgrading of the skills lab to a high standard simulation skills lab with high fidelity mannequins by the United States government, through its Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) implemented by ICAP
Increased number of student intake due to IsDB support through MoHS
Supported the upgrading of 2 PHUs Gerehun and Mosenesie to BEmONC
Trained additional 50 midwives to be added to the midwifery workforce
Three(3) faculty completed BSc Hons Nursing Education (Midwifery) through MoHS with support from world Bank
HoS inaugurated as a Foundation Fellow of the Post graduate College of Nursing and Midwifery
One (1) faculty completed Masters in Educational Administration
Trained 50 of the graduating class on family planning by Helen Keller through the Manager of RCH/FP MoHS
Conducted supportive supervision of students at all clinical placement sites.
Conducted successful EmONC trainings for Kailahun DHMT through GIZ
Reviewed the current school’s Curriculum
Supported and participated in joint supportive supervision with Bo and Moyamba DHMTs of students and preceptors
Conducted trainings in participatory advocacy for students and 60 preceptors in Bo and Moyamba Districts
Supported Bo and Moyamba DHMTs with the MDSR reviews and investigations.
Trained faculty and clinical staff of Bo and Moyamba in ICD 10 and MDSR
Trained faculty in IDSR and Antimicrobial resistant drugs by WHO
CHALLENGES: Although the school seems to be flying quite high, management still continues to grapple with some challenges including:
Lack of student hostels so, students do not experience campus life
No Staff quarters at the moment; staff have to commute each day
No big hall that can accommodate all the students for public lectures of school events
Lack of EDSA electricity supply in the school area
Lack of perimeter fence; thieves broke into the school on January 6th this year and stole some items and destroyed our CCTV cameras
Mr. Chairman, we are appealing to the Minister and Partners present here to “Follow the data:invest in midwives which is our theme for this year by helping us mitigate these challenges.
On a sad note, we regret to announce that we lost one of our continuing students Eleanor Mary Koroma on the 2nd August, 2021. May her soul continue to rest in peace.
The grandaunts
To the graduating class, this is the day you have been longing for; the day the Lord has made for you and you deserve to rejoice in it. After the toil of lecture attendances, anxieties over examinations and assignments, which at times you may have thought, were never going to end; now here you are! On behalf of the whole Caritas/SoMBo/MoHS community and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your laudable achievements.
I am humbled, proud, delighted and most of all extremely impressed with your collective achievements. Through hard work and determination, all of you have achieved something remarkable and today, you and your families and friends have the opportunity to celebrate and reflect on those achievements. Today you can feel proud that you have been tested and succeeded, in proving that you have what it takes to contribute in the reduction of the high maternal and newborn morbidities and mortalities in Sierra Leone.
The combination of new knowledge and skills you have learned at SoMBo has enormous potential to increase how services are delivered when you perform your duties diligently.
As part of that, I also want you to look forward and consider the future and the positive impact which your newly gained qualifications and skills can have on the lives of the pregnant women, newborns, lactating mothers and the community. Your path is serving the people in Sierra Leone to improve health outcomes which is an honourable one.
This is the most important day in our academic calendar. Seeing you, our new graduates, cross this stage after two years of dedicated and hard work is a proud moment for us all. I am sure it is for all of you, and for your family and friends here to support you today. We hope you remain part of our community as alumni after today. Please be ambassadors for the great work we do as you join the 99 Alumni from this great institution (Set 001 & 002).
Before I finish, I would like to pause and take a moment to thank action medeor and Dr. David S Yambasu for their continued support and oversight, and special thanks to Bishop Charles Campbell, the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, the Registrar Nurses and Midwives Board, and the Director of Training and Research of MoHS for their support. I would also like to acknowledge the dedicated and tireless work of the staff and management here at SoMBo who have contributed immensely to make this day possible.
In closing, and most importantly to the grandaunts, please reflect on your achievements. Celebrate with your families and friends who have supported you. Thank them for their valued support and sacrifices which were an integral part of your studies, and make them even more proud of you as you develop your careers and help to make a better built community. I wish you all a bright future and the best when you contribute to health service delivery in your communities.
Allow me to use the opportunity to appeal to you, to apply yourself in whatever capacity you find yourself anywhere, with diligence and a sense of personal integrity as true ambassadors of SoMBo. May the good Lord lead you always in all your future endeavours!
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I thank you all for your attentions and a Merry Christmas in Advance.
Patricia Mokuwa Juana-Kamara
H. O. S
10th December, 2021
A very good afternoon to all of you here today, the Caritas Sierra Leone Bo family.
As we all know, we have gathered here this afternoon to give a farewell to our boss Dr. David S.Yambasu our guest of honour. It is a very sad moment for all of us that our Director will leave us very soon, most probably tomorrow.
It is hard to say goodbye to a person who became a part of my everyday life. Thank you for everything you have taught me Director.
Your positive spirit is contagious to us all. I enjoyed working with you. I will miss your presence and leadership. While other bosses give orders and targets, you gave us directions and visions. True leaders are rare and you, Director are one. You will always be remembered because of your good behavior and deeds. I would like to express my gratitude to you for being such a role model and an inspiration.
Ever since I started to work under your leadership; I have learned a lot which has really helped me to become a better person. The direction you have provided as my boss has meant so much to me, as it is your leadership that has allowed me to flourish. Thanks for teaching me so much. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn from your experience. Your guidance has been invaluable to me. I’m thrilled about the next step in your professional journey, and I hope to keep in touch.
Maybe one day our professional paths will cross each other once again and I will be able to repay the debt of guidance and mentorship to you. I will forever cherish the moments of having a hardworking and fantastic boss.
Thank you sir, for giving us such a wonderful years which will be stored in our hearts forever.
It will be a strange feeling, coming to Pastoral centre with you not there. I will miss you so much; the SoMBo team will miss you and everyone here present will miss you.
Wish you best of luck for the future.
Photos of the Programme:
Photos showing the commissioning of St. Luke’s Clinic in Gerihun on the 10th September, 2021 by His Excellence the President of Sierra Leone Dr. Maada Bio.
Rehabilitated by Caritas Sierra Leone Bo
The set 003 students of the School Of Midwifery Bo completed their School Final in July and have completed their State Final today 18th August 2021. They are all happy to take the State Final Exams as today marks the end of their two years training as midwives in the School Of Midwifery Bo.
First Block examinations for Set 004A at the School Of Midwifery Bo has started and students are well prepared to show how much they have engulfed and ready give it back to their tutors on exams answer sheet. They are ready to show their tutors how much they have learnt in the past few months. Students indeed have a very mix feelings about the exams. Their feelings can only be cleared after seen the questions paper. Some will smile when coming out of the exams hall while some has perplex faces wondering why he/she did not read around a particular question for exams. Examination is indeed a battle that every student is scared of, but you cannot move from one level to another without you going through this fight. So as a student you need to be in readiness for this academic war.Wish you all good luck in your examinations battle.
Clinical instructors on Placement Supervision in Bonthe District Set 004A. Crossing from Moyamba District to Bonthe District.
Set 004A Students on Clinical Placement in Bonthe District
The Maternal Death Surveillance Response (MDSR) Committee district training of members took place on the 17th and 18th February 2021 at the Caritas Sierra Leone Bo Hall.
It was a very interesting training where all participants participated greatly. The key facilitators Zainab & Agnes Williams gave lots of guides as to how to handle MDSR issues.
Below are photos of the training:
Zainab the facilitator for the MDSR Training Director: Caritas Sierra Leone Bo
Participants from Bo/Moyamba Districts Participant from Moyamba expressing her view
The project which was officially handed over to the District Medical Officers in the Southern Region for implementation where funded by the German organizations BMZ and EKFS through action medeor and Caritas Sierra Leone Bo.
The stakeholders’ kick start meeting attracted the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and its health partners. District health sisters, Principal School of Midwifery Bo (SoMBo) Mosenesie Peripheral Health Unite (PHUs), staff of Caritas Sierra Leone Bo and the Press among others.
In his opening statement, the Director Caritas Sierra Leone Bo, Dr. David S. Yambasu informed that the purpose of the engagement of the stakeholders was to demonstrate the commitment towards the promotion of humanity as a church to alien with the state, stating that what the church does must or should be aligned to the state which is why the Director of Caritas Sierra Leone Bo said the engagement of the stakeholders kick start meeting was to hand over the two projects to the two DMOs, Dr. Ronald Cashion Mash of the Bo District Health Management Team and Dr. James B. Jongopie of the Moyamba District Health Management Team for the projects implementation in the two districts.
The Director of Caritas Sierra Leone Bo disclosed that the 10.145 Billion Leones project which is equivalent to One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Euros will run from 2021 to 2023.
He said the German government through BMZ and their partner; action medeor will continue to strengthen the health system and would like to see their students at the School of Midwifery Bo (SoMBo) having the opportunity to physically practice what they are learning which is why Dr. David Yambasu said the two projects are geared towards upgrading the PHUs and Nurses to build Gerihun and Mosenesie BeMOC Centres and turn them them in to modern practicing institutions.
He revealed that for the past four to five months, Caritas Sierra Leone Bo has been carrying out assessments in engaging the District Medical Officers in the two district and health centres to endorse the authorization and be part of their work of which the two DMOs actually pledged their commitment and gave the guarantee that they will work with the Catholic Diocese of Bo on the two projects.
Dr. David Yambasu further expressed thanks and appreciation to the District Medical Officers on behalf of the Catholic Diocese of Bo for seeing them through the processes, adding that they were happy to collaborate with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation to deliberate and to ensure proper accountability for a credible implementation of the projects.
He furthered that their tutors at the School of Midwifery Bo has willingly accepted to practically do the work in the two BeMOC centres in Bo and Moyamba District He maintained that the District Health Management Team in Bo and Moyamba District will be provided with one new Brand Land Cruiser vehicles for supervision.
It was a mighty and great day to see all 49 students of Set 002 of the School Of Midwifery Bo in their blissful Gowns and wonderful whites immerging as a midwife.
The ceremony was really a colorful day, as we have some public figures that came to grace the occasion in a grant style. Everyone gave a brief speech and gifts were given to students who merited it. Food and drinks were served and everyone celebrated with friends and families.
The Head of School Mrs. Patricia Mokuwa gave the yearly reports of how the school is been run. This was her report.
Mr. Chairman, the Honorable Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation 1, our Fellow the Most Rev. Charles A.M. Campbell, Bishop Catholic Diocese of Bo who is unavoidably absent due to competing priorities, the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, the Director of Training and Research MOHS, the DMOs, the Deputy CNMOs, Registrar NMB, the UNFPA Representative, the Director Caritas Bo and his team, Past President WACN and President of the post graduate college of nursing and midwifery, vice president WACN, Chairman WACN, the country director ICAP and staff, the Principal National school of Midwifery, fellows of WACN, Presidents of the Sierra Leone Nurses and Midwives associations, Directors, programme managers and representatives from MoHS, Principals and Heads of Nursing and Midwifery institutions, the P.C. Kakua Chiefdom, the PC Baoma Chiefdom, the chairman Bo District council, the Mayor Bo city, DHSs, Matrons of the various hospitals here present, CHOs in-charge, Distinguished Guests, the grandaunts, Preceptors and Midwives, members of the media, midwifery students of Sets 003 and 004, the chief and people of Nyandehun village and all here present good morning.
I welcome you all to another Graduation and Prize Giving Ceremony of the School of Midwifery Bo, to celebrate the success of another graduating class. The school is celebrating her successes, achievements and hard work from 2017 through 2020 with the ICM theme for the 2020 International Day of Midwives “Midwives with women; celebrate, demonstrate, mobilize, unite- our time is NOW! “. It gives me great pleasure and honour to have you join us on this important day.
Mr. chairman, members of the high table, distinguished quests, today is another remarkable day as we successfully celebrate the graduation of another 49 newly qualified midwives (all females) contributing to the Midwifery workforce in Sierra Leone. On behalf of the staff and management of SoMBO, I would like take this opportunity to heartily congratulate all the graduands here today; Set 002; the Class of 2018-2020. I commend you for your dedication, diligence and hard work, all of which, and more, have brought you here to your successful graduation.
You have worked well; you and your family ought to feel proud of your achievements.
Mr. Chairman, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, in compliance with the principle of downward accountability, I feel honoured to share with this august gathering the score card of the School of Midwifery Bo (SoMBO) for the reporting period 2018-2020.
The School of Midwifery Bo (SoMBO) was born in response to the country’s urge to reduce the high maternal and newborn mortalities as a contribution by the Catholic Diocese of Bo in southern Sierra Leone. The patient midwife ration strongly underscores the high demand for trained midwives in Sierra Leone particularly in the Southern Region. This propelled the Catholic Diocese of Bo to envisage an increase in skilled birth attendants in rural communities, reduce maternal and infant mortality rates, reinforce the right professional attitudes and knowledge among midwifery practitioners and contribute to new knowledge in midwifery education.
Caritas Bo, the Development Wing of the Catholic Diocese of Bo together with partners like action medeor, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, developed the project concept of setting up a midwifery school in the southern region of the country. The school opened in 2017 and can be seen as an important contribution to strengthening the health system in Sierra Leone.
The goal is to compliment Government’s efforts in reducing the high maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality rates through Midwifery education in Bo District.
A school of excellence, producing competent and committed midwives dedicated to delivering safe services that are acceptable, affordable and accessible to women and their newborns in the rural communities in Sierra Leone
The School of Midwifery Bo strives to contribute to the reduction of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality by providing quality midwifery education to nurses who will provide safe, effective and respectful care to women, newborns and their families in Sierra Leone
VALUES – Accountability, Stewardship and Integrity
MOTTO: Competence, Quality, Integrity
The School of Midwifery Bo is located in Nyandehun about 8 kilometers from Bo along the Bo-Kenema highway. The School (third in the country) is being funded by BMZ, the Quandt family, UNFPA and Action Medeor through Caritas Bo. The school is fully accredited by the Nurses and Midwives Board of Sierra Leone following a comprehensive assessment in 2017 and 2019. At the moment, the school offers a two-year curriculum midwifery training for SECHNs who have worked for at least three years. The first Set started on the 20th November, 2017 and graduated in December 2019.
We offer two years midwifery training for SECHNs who should be willing to be deployed in rural communities. We recruit 50 students yearly. The curriculum is competency-based modular structure according to ICM with 40% Theory and 60% clinical practice. We teach these SECHNs to be Midwives with the Knowledge, skills and correct attitude to improve on our maternal and newborn care in the country especially in rural settings.
The School strives to contribute to the reduction of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality by providing quality midwifery education.
At the inception of the school, 50 student midwives were admitted (48 Females & 2 Males) as Set 001 in November 2017
Set 002 was admitted in June 2018 (50 Female student Midwives no males)
Set 003 admitted in June 2019 (46 Females & 4 Males)
Set 004 (batches A and B) 57 in each class as a way of increasing the number. (Set 004 A 4 Males 53 females and Set 004 B)
The first graduation was on 13th December, 2019
Because the ICM curriculum focuses more on practice, students spend more time in clinical placements in addition to basic theoretical teachings in the classroom and skills lab practice. Clinical experiences are gained in the following facilities; Bo gov’t Hospital, Kenema Gov’t hospital, Pujehun Gov’t Hospital, Moyamba Gov’t Hospital, Princess Christian Maternity Hospital, 34 Military Hospital, Panguma hospital, Serabu hospital, BEmONC centers in Bo, Bonthe, Moyamba and Pujehun, Mercy Hospital, Marie Stopes Bo, Family Planning Bo, and Jenner Wright. The school also organizes Student-led community Midwifery projects in some centers in Bo, Pujehun and Serabu where pregnant and lactating mothers receive free treatments and gifts for their infants.
The school has a total population of 157 students
The graduating class started with 50 students and all 50 took the State Board Examination in October, 2020.
Mr. Chairman, distinguished quests, it is with pleasure that I inform you that the school had a 98% pass rate (49 out of 50) in the State Board Examination with one Distinction and having reference in theory.
The school’s Mantra is “making a difference” in Midwifery Education and practice by promoting quality and respectful maternity care. Our products will work in rural communities to help improve on the high maternal and infant mortality and morbidity rates in the country. We also believe that there will be opportunities for the graduates to benefit from continuous professional development
Mr. Chairman, I have a wonderful team each with a unique role in making this very day a success. At management level, we have the Director Caritas Bo Dr. David S. Yambasu who together with the Most Rev Charles A.M. Campbell have played very pivotal roles for us to have a Midwifery school in the South; Mr. Thomas Johnny the Project Coordinator, Mr. Patrick Dauda and Mr. William Kanu the Finance Officers.
Academic staff
This comprises the following:
Mrs. Hawanatu Kabia – she deputizes me and she is also in-charge of supportive clinical supervision of students and block time table. She is a Senior Midwife Educator with vast experience. Sr. Kabia is also a Fellow of the West African College of Nursing
Mrs. Velma Cole– Senior Midwife Educator in-charge of Students and Staff welfare committees
Sr. Fatmata J. Dabo – a senior Midwife Educator who recently joined us in the school.
Sr. Fatmata Dakowa – a teaching Assistant; a hard working Nurse-Midwife the skills lab manager; pursuing Midwifery Education course at COMAHS.
Sr. Bariatu Bawoh – a teaching Assistant in-charge of student allocation; she is also pursuing Midwifery Education course at COMAHS.
Very Rev Fr. Moses Kawa – is our Chaplin and Guidance & Counseling specialist which is a unique outfit of SoMBO, one of the ways in which SoMBO is making a difference
Mr. Ira Marcarthy – is our ICT specialist in-charge of the Computer Lan & Library.
Dr. Fredrick Kobba – who is the Advocacy officer for the new project that started in November this year
Mrs. Veronica Bull; another senior Midwife tutor who recently relocated to Freetown for domestic reasons.
We also have guest lecturers in the persons of Dr. Peter B. Samai, Sr. Gladys Sesay District Health Sister (DHS 1) and Mrs. Fatmata Gegbe also a Midwife Educator Lecturer Department of Nursing Njala University.
Support Staff
Dolly Williams – commonly known as ‘Mama G’ is the School Administrator. She is such a committed, respectful and dedicated staff; anyone who visits the school will remember ‘Mama G.’
Mr. Patrick Dauda and Mr. William Kanu are the Finance Officers. Mr. Dauda deals with the UNFPA finances and therefore deals with student allowances.
Miss Angela Tity Kamanda – is the Caterer in-charge of the canteen where we all have our lunch. She is so cool and calculated. She is supported by two of her colleagues:
Nancy Banya and Fatu Smith – are also dedicated to their work, I am sure the students will miss the canteen
Saidu Fullah and JosephMomoh are the bus drivers with Saidu being the senior. Almost all the students have their telephone numbers; they call them to know their locations especially in the morning.
Foday Johnny and Daniel Kamanda – are the Environmental Hygienists who make sure the compound is always clean. They are both committed and hard working
Securities: we have Mr. Ibrahim Mbayo, Francis Domingo, Joseph Nyande and Sheku Boima in-charge of security
The school also continues to enjoy the privilege of sustained security coverage from our close RSLAF brothers and sisters. We salute you brigade commander and our Lt Col. Fr Desmond Lebbie for the coordination.
Preceptorship Programme:
The school has over the years trained preceptors using the National Preceptorship curriculum from facilities where our students are posted on clinical placements. The students are able to sync theory and practical work.
We work with the Directorate of Training and Research in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation. We also work with the office of the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, the Director of Human Resources, the Nurses and Midwives Board of Sierra Leone, various hospitals, DHMTs in the South and BEmONC centers where our students are posted on clinical practice.
The school has the following facilities:
Office for Project Coordinator
Principal’s Office
Staff room
Office for Chaplin/Guidance Counselor
Administrator’s Office
3 classrooms
Conference hall
Skills Laboratory 1&2 with basic anatomical and simulation models and equipment for various midwifery procedures. We also have DVD players and Plasma TV and videos for audio visual teaching
Computer Lan with computers that can accommodate 25-28 students at a go so each student has access to computer. We offer basic computer training for the students. The students can now access the internet for their presentations, assignments etc.
Library – with recent textbooks and journals. The library can accommodate 30-35 students at a time.
Canteen where students have their lunch. It can accommodate 50-60 students
Volley ball court with construction of a mini pavilion in progress
Lack of accommodation for students is still a critical challenge for both students and staff. At the moment, the programme is non-residential. 97%% of the students stay in Bo while 3% who struggle to pay for the bus services stay in the village. The school has made deliberate efforts to find a solution to the accommodation need. The school has acquired 3.5 acres of land for the construction of quarters and student hostels. We are desperately looking for partners or collaborators who can invest in public infrastructures so that together we can support students to enjoy campus life.
Partner Contributions
BMZ through Action Medeor is the main contributor to this 4 years project through Caritas Bo and the Ministry of Health and Sanitation. MoHS graciously deployed the Head of School (a Midwife Educator), 3 Midwife Educators and 2 teaching Assistants to the school as a demonstration of government’s commitment to supporting human capacity development aligned with government’s strategic priorities in the mid-term development plan of 2019-2023. The Government of Sierra Leone through the MoHS also supported the school with funds for fuel, staff retreat, office supplies and stationary.
UNFPA Sierra Leone
Through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, the school has been receiving support from UNFPA in the form of Tuition fees for students, Fuel and DSA for supportive supervision of students, student allowances, Preceptorship training, and assessment of clinical placement sites. For these, we remain grateful to the outgone UNFPA country Rep. Dr. Kim Dickson and her hard working team, we are grateful. The school also received a brand new land cruiser as support with clinical supervision of students.
Following an assessment of our skills lab and a need justification for an expansion and upgrade, ICAP has handed over the rehabilitation of the skills lab to their contractor for work to start soon. We say a big thank you to you Dr. Mame Toure, the country Director for ICAP and your team for your anticipated support.
Through WHO, 4 faculty members had research awareness training in February and March this year.
I want to thank the Directorate of Training and Research, CNMO’s office and the Registrar of Nurses and Midwives for their support in making this day a success.
I must be grateful to the DMOs, DHSs, Matrons, CHOs and Heads or in-charges of Maternity Units where our students are posted for clinical practice.
I am also grateful to Dr. Douglas McMullin, Medical Director, Shasta Community Health Center California for supporting the school with 55 Ambu bags for the graduating students.
Full accreditation by the Nurses and Midwives Board of Sierra Leone.
Signing of MoUs with heads of clinical placement sites of our students
Launching of the School’s website
UNFPA and Caritas review meetings
Upgrading from Certificate in Midwifery to Diploma for Faculty members
Training of 60 Preceptors from clinical placement sites
Development of students Portfolio, supervisory guide and checklist, policies, course evaluation form and OSCE
Participation in the quarterly Midwifery schools meeting and MOHS partner meetings
Training of graduating class on family planning by Helen Keller through the Manager of RCH/FP MoHS
CHALLENGES: Although the school seems to be flying quite high, management still continues to grapple with some challenges including:
Non availability of student hostels so, students don’t experience campus life
No Staff quarters at the moment; staff have to commute each day
No big hall that can accommodate all 157 students for public lectures of school events
Lack of high fidelity models and other mannikins
Lack of EDSA electricity supply; though we have solar system in place but we are challenged during the rains to access sustained energy.
Some take aways for the Newly Qualified Midwives
To the graduands before us – you are about to graduate as midwives. You have chosen an honourable path to work with pregnant women, newborns, lactating mothers and the community. Your path is serving the people in Sierra Leone to improve health outcomes is an honourable one. You have gained new knowledge and skills that you can now take into the world. This is the most important day in our academic calendar. Seeing you, our new graduates, cross the stage after two years of dedicated and hard work is a proud moment for us all, as I am sure it is for all of you, and for your family and friends here to support you today.
Please behave honourably in your duties, practice professionally, be kind to patients and expectant mothers because these are vulnerable people to whom you are their only advocates at the time of need. Do not put personal gains before duty; keep your knowledge and skills updated frequently. Do not be afraid to say “I don’t know” as assuming knowledge where none exists may endanger lives. Ask if in doubt and never shun work in rural areas. That is where the greatest health need is. It is in the rural areas where you will improve your skills best and also make a great difference to the lives of expectant mothers, newborns and their families.
In conclusion, let me say that I firmly believe that you have not only acquired knowledge and skills to make you functional as you go on into the work environment, but that you have also learned how to put your studies and work into local, regional and global contexts.
Abraham Maslow, the father of modern management defined self-actualization as “the full use and exploitation of talents, capacities, potentialities, etc. ”
With the knowledge and skills gained at the School of Midwifery Bo and your commitment to lifelong learning I am confident that you will continue “Working Toward Self-Actualization”.
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you all for listening.
Patricia Mokuwa
H. O. S
11th December, 2020
Below are few Pictures of the graduation ceremony:
Two years have gone by. It is indeed a memorable day to see the set 002 students of the School of Midwifery Bo taken their State final examination. The hall was so quiet everyone is so busy with their questions and answers sheet. Invigilators were observing every corner of the hall. The CCTV was also observed from the Head of School’s office. There were no signs of exams malpractices, since the students studied hard to lift the name of our beloved “School of Midwifery Bo” as the giant midwifery School of the South.
It was indeed a very wonderful examination as every student came out of the hall with a smiling face proofing to be grateful for the wonderful State Finals Examination.
Below are photos of set 002 State final examination day:
Set 002 students taking State Final ExamsExams Mood ActivatedStudents in their scrubs ready for Practical Exam
Today, The School of Midwifery Bo (SoMBo) contributed to the COVID-19 response by donation 25 hands free wash stations, sanitizers, hand washing soap, gloves, tissues, disinfectants and thermometers.
The donation was received by the Bo District Emergency Operation Centre Coordinator Mr. David Fortune.
The donated IPC materials will be distributed to health and public facilities where students from SomBo go for clinical practices. If properly utilized, these materials will help prevent healthcare workers from COVID-19 infection.
Cross-section of Caritas Bo/School of Midwifery Bo staffs
The donation of 25 hands free wash stations, sanitizers, hand washing soap, gloves, tissues, disinfectants and thermometers.
Donation received by the Bo District Emergency Operation Centre Coordinator Mr. David Fortune
Video Demostration by the Bo District Emergency Operation Centre Coordinator Mr. David Fortune of how to use the hands free wash stations to prevent us from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Caritas Bo is a member of the global federation of 165 Caritas member organizations. In Sierra Leone, it is one of the four Diocesan Development Organizations working in the four Southern Districts (Bo, Bonthe, Moyamba and Pujehun Districts). Over the years, Caritas Bo has worked in Collaboration with the Ministries of Health and Sanitation, Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs, Agriculture and Food Security and the Ministry of Education. In the Health Sector, Caritas Bo supports both primary and secondary health service delivery at PHU Levels as well as at its Catholic Referral Hospital in Serabu. With a € 1.3 million grant from its partners BMZ and action medeor, Caritas Bo now seeks to contribute to the health systems strengthening drive in Sierra Leone.OUR VISION: A society devoid of extreme poverty where everyone is assured of a daily bread, equity and peaceful co-existenceOur Mission:
Eradicating extreme poverty
Restoring human dignity and Promoting social justice.
In partnership with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, the Management and Staff of the newly-established School of Midwifery Bo are pleased to inform the general public and interested SECHNs that the School will be offering Midwifery as a post-registration course for a period of 2 years. The training is scheduled to commence in June 2020. All interested Nurses are to contact the School Administration for further details. The New School is located at Nyandehun Village on the Bo-Kenema highway with a visible sign board.
Application forms are now available on sale at Le 200,000 non-refundable fee.
Admission Criteria
Prospective Applicants must be State Enrolled Community Health Nurses (SECHNs) with 2-3 years’ Post-Registration experience.
Must have at least two credits (WASSCE)
Must possess a SECHN Certificate from the Regulatory Body (Nurses and Midwives Board of Sierra Leone.
Must have a License to practice from the Nurses and Midwives Board, Sierra Leone.
Must be committed and interested in working in remote, rural communities (Primary Health Units and Maternity Hospital working in the rural areas.
Willingness to be deployed in a CHC or CHP on completion of training.
The training is opened to both Males and Female applicants who meet the admission criteria. (SECHN Males are encouraged to apply).
Nurses working with Government, Private and Non-governmental organizations are allowed to apply.
Recommendation Letter from a Referee (Employer or Manager)
All interested Nurses are asked to purchase their application forms from the Secretariat, Caritas Bo New Gerihun Bo, starting on Monday 15th April, 2020 from 9 am – 3 pm daily on Mondays – Fridays.
The closing date for the sale of forms is on the 30th April, 2020
Kindly pass on this information to all interested SECHNs (Trained Nurses) in your respective institutions.
Note: Application forms will be paid for at a non-refundable fee of Le 200, 000 only at:
UBA Bank,73 Dambala Road Bo
Account: Caritas Bo, Midwifery School 540610310000224
Forms will be collected from the Caritas Office at the Pastoral and Social Center 41 New Gerihun Road Bo during official hours.
It was a blissful afternoon on Friday the 21/02/2020 when the students of SOMBO get themselves involved in recreational activities one of which was the volley ball game which help them to exercise, have fun with others and help to improve their physical, mental, and well-being.
Below are the Pictures:
Mr. Chairman, the Honorable Minister of Health and Sanitation, our Fellow the Most Rev. Charles A.M. Campbell, Bishop Catholic Diocese of Bo, the German Ambassador, the UNFPA Representative and her team, the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, the Deputy CNMOs, the Action Medeor team and the Quandt family , the Director of Training and Research MOHS, representatives from CRS, the Director Caritas Bo and his team, Past President WACN and President of the post graduate college of nursing and midwifery, Vice President WACN, Chairman WACN and Fellows of the WACN, Registrar NMB, the Country Director ICAP and staff, WHO and other health partners, the Principal National school of Midwifery, Presidents of the Sierra Leone Nurses and Midwives Associations, Directors, Programme Managers, DMOs, District Health Sisters and representatives from MoHS, Principals and Heads of Nursing and Midwifery institutions, the P. C. Kakua chiefdom, the chairman Bo District council, the Mayor Bo city, Matrons of the various hospitals here present, CHOs, in-charges, Preceptors and Midwives, Distinguished Guests, the grandaunts, members of the media, student Midwives, the chief of Nyandehun village and all here present.
I join the Chairman in welcoming you all to the 1st Graduation Ceremony of the School of Midwifery Bo, to celebrate the success of the 1st graduating class. The school is celebrating her successes, achievements and hard work from 2017 through 19 with the ICM theme for the 2019 International Day of Midwives “ Midwives, defenders of women’s rights “. It is a pleasure and honour to have you join us on this memorable day in the history of the school (the 1st graduation).
Mr. chairman, members of the high table, distinguished quests, today is a remarkable day as we successfully celebrate the graduation of 49 newly qualified midwives (47 females and 2 males) contributing to the Midwifery workforce in Sierra Leone. I hereby extend a warm and hearty Congratulation to you Set 001; the Class of 2017-2019. You have worked well and you and your family ought to feel proud of your achievements.
Mr. Chairman, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, in compliance with the principle of downward accountability, it gives me pleasure to share with this august gathering the score card of the School of Midwifery Bo (SoMBO) for the reporting period 2017-2019.
The School of Midwifery Bo (SoMBO) was born in response to the country’s urge to reduce the high mortalities as a contribution by the Catholic Diocese of Bo in southern Sierra Leone. The patient midwife ration strongly underscores the high demand for trained midwives in Sierra Leone particularly in the Southern Region. This propelled the Catholic Diocese of Bo to envisage an increase in skilled birth attendants in rural communities, reduce maternal and infant mortality rates, reinforce the right professional attitudes and knowledge among midwifery practitioners and contribute to new knowledge in midwifery education.
Caritas Bo, the Development Wing of the Catholic Diocese of Bo together with partners like action medeor, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, developed the project concept of setting up a midwifery school in the southern region of the country. The project concept was preceded by an intensive participatory planning phase including a feasibility study, which was conducted in 2015. The school opened in 2017 and can be seen as an important contribution to strengthening the health system in Sierra Leone.
To compliment Government’s efforts in reducing the high maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality rates through Midwifery education in Bo District by 2020.
A school of excellence, producing competent and committed midwives dedicated to delivery safe services that are acceptable, affordable and accessible to women and their newborns in the rural communities in Sierra Leone
The School of Midwifery Bo strives to contribute to the reduction of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality by providing quality midwifery education to nurses who will provide safe, effective and respectful care to women, newborns and their families in Sierra Leone
Stewardship and
Competence, Quality, Integrity
To increase the current number of midwives by 100 by 2020
To reduce maternal and new-born mortality and morbidity by 10% by 2020
To increase positive midwife attitudes, ethics and etiquette towards patients, and also increase positive community perceptions of midwives by 50% by 2020
The School of Midwifery Bo is located in Nyandehun about 8 kilometers from Bo along the Bo-Kenema highway. The School (third in the country) is being funded by BMZ, the Quandt family, UNFPA and Action Medeor through Caritas Bo. The school is fully accredited by the Nurses and Midwives Board of Sierra Leone following a comprehensive assessment in October 2017 and May 2019. The school was inaugurated on the 21st October, 2017. At the moment, the school is offering a two-year curriculum midwifery training for SECHNs who have worked for at least three years. The first Set (the graduating class) started on the 20th November, 2017.
We offer two years midwifery training for SECHNs who should be willing to be deployed in rural communities. We recruit 50 students yearly. The curriculum is competency-based modular structure according to ICM with 40% Theory and 60% clinical practice. We teach these SECHNs to be Midwives with the Knowledge, skills and attitude to improve on our maternal and newborn care in the country especially in rural settings.
The School strives to contribute to the reduction of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality by providing quality midwifery education.
At the inception of the school, 50 student midwives were admitted ( 48 Females & 2 Males) as Set 001 in November 2017
Set 002 was admitted in June 2018 (50 Female student Midwives)
Set 003 admitted in June 2019 (46 Females & 4 Males)
Because ICM focused more on practice according to the curriculum, students spend more time in the clinical placements in addition to basic theoretical teachings in the classroom and practice in the skills lab. Clinical experiences are gained in the following facilities; Bo gov’t Hospital, Kenema Gov’t hospital, Pujehun Gov’t Hospital, Moyamba Gov’t Hospital, Princess Christian Maternity Hospital, 34 Military Hospital, Panguma hospital, Serabu hospital, BeMONC centers in Bo, Bonthe, Moyamba and Pujehun, Mercy Hospital, Marie Stopes Bo, Family Planning Bo, and Jenner Wright. The school also organizes Student-led community Midwifery projects in some centers in Bo and Pujehun where pregnant and lactating mothers received free treatments and gifts for their infants.
The school has a total population of 149 students.
Set 001 who is graduating today, started with 50 students but one (1) dropped along the way due to domestic problems. The remaining 49 will be graduating today as State Certified Midwives with Certificates in Midwifery after completing two years of hard work in theory and practice.
Mr. Chairman, distinguished quests, it is with pleasure that I inform you that the school had a 100% pass rate in the State Final Board Examination with some students attaining Distinction and Credits.
The school Mantra is “making a difference” in Midwifery education and practice by promoting quality and respectful maternity care. Our products will work in rural communities to help improve on the high maternal and infant rates in the country. We also believe that there will be opportunities for the graduates to benefit from continuous professional development. As a demonstration of our commitment to in-service training for our graduates, two of our graduating students have just arrived from Lusaka on an exchange learning visit on electives. We hope to continue exploring these opportunities so that the products from the SoMBO “Factory” of midwives will continue to make a difference in their service of care.
Mr. Chairman, I have a wonderful team each with a unique role in making this very day a success. At management level, we have the Director Caritas Bo Mr. David S. Yambasu who together with our Fellow the Most Rev Charles A.M. Campbell have played very pivotal roles for us to have a Midwifery school in the South; Mr. Thomas Johnny the Project Coordinator and Mr. Patrick Dauda and Mr. William Kanu the Finance Officers.
Academic staff
This comprises the following:
Mrs. Hawanatu Kabia – she deputizes me and she is also in-charge of supportive clinical supervision of students and block time table. She is a Senior Midwife Educator with vast experience. Sr. Kabia is also a Fellow of the West African College of Nursing
Mrs. Veronica Bull– Mrs. Bull is the skills lab coordinator and course planner for each set. She is also a Senior Midwife Educator
Mrs. Velma Cole– Senior Midwife Educator in-charge of Posting of Students to Clinical sites and Head of the student welfare commitee.
Ms. Fatmata Dakowa – a teaching Assistant a hard working Nurse-Midwife in-charge of Quality Improvement/Lesson Plan. She has gained admission at COMAHS pursue the Nurse/Midwife Tutors course.
Ms. Bariatu Bawoh – Is a teaching Assistant who joined us in June this year. She has also gained admission at COMAHS to pursue the Nurse/Midwife Tutors course
Very Rev Fr. Moses Kawa – is our Chaplin and Guidance & counseling specialist which is a unique outfit of SoMBo, one of the ways in which SoMBo is making a difference
Mr. Ira McCarthy – is our ICT specialist in-charge of the Computer Lan & Library.
Mrs. Emma Alieu; a Midwife tutor whom we started together as Pioneers but was later transferred.
We also have four guest lecturers in the persons of Dr. Williamson –Taylor (who has been transferred to P.C.M.H.), Dr. Peter Samai Ag Medical Superintendent Bo Gov’t Hospital, Sr. Gladys Sesay District Health Sister (DHS) 1 Bo DHMT and Mrs. Fatmata Gegbe also a Midwife Educator Lecturer Njala University.
Support Staff
Dolly Williams – commonly known as ‘Mama G’ is the School Administrator. She is such a committed, respectful and dedicated staff; anyone who visits the school will remember ‘Mama G.’
Miss Angella Kamanda – is the Caterer in-charge of the canteen where we all have our lunch. She is so cool and calculated. She is supported by two of her colleagues:
Nancy Banya and Fatu Smith – are also dedicated to their work, I am sure the students will miss the canteen
Saidu Fullah and Joseph Momoh are the bus drivers with Saidu being the senior. Almost all the students have their telephone numbers; they call them to know their locations especially in the morning.
Foday Johnny and Daniel Kamanda – are the Environmental Hygienists who make sure the compound is always clean. They are both committed and hard working
Securities: we have two sets of securities
Civilian Ibrahim M’Bayo the head together with Mr. Jameal Nyande, Mr. Sheku Lamina and Mr. Francis Domingo cover the day duty and they have been very effective in executing their duties.
Military we have three military personnel who cover the night to ensure that the school is protected from thieves and they have been committed to task.
The school has over the years trained preceptors using the National Preceptorship curriculum from facilities where our students are posted on clinical placements. The students are able to sync theory and practical work.
We work with the Directorate of Training and Research in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation. We also work with office of the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office, the Director of Human Resources, the Nurses and Midwives Board of Sierra Leone, various hospitals, DHMTs in the South and BEmONC centers where our students are posted on clinical practice.
The school has the following facilities:
Office for Project Coordinator
Principal’s Office
Staff room
Office for Chaplin/Guidance Counselor
Administrator’s Office
2 classrooms
Conference hall
Skills Laboratory 1&2 with basic anatomical and simulation models and equipment for various midwifery procedures. We also have DVD players and Plasma TV and videos for audio visual teaching
Computer Lan with computers that can accommodate 25 students at a go so each student has access to computer. We offer basic computer training for the students. The students can now access the internet for their presentations, assignments etc.
Library – with recent textbooks and journals. The library can accommodate 30-35 students.
Canteen where students have their lunch. It can accommodate 50-60 students
For recreation, we have also constructed a volley ball cut with the necessary accessories one of the ways in which we are making a difference.
At the moment, the programme is non-residential. Staff and about 95- 97%% of the student population stay in Bo with only about 3-5% staying in the village. However, the school has acquired about 3.5 acres of land for the construction of staff quarters and student hostels. We wish that donations can be made to support this all important project.
Partner Contributions
BMZ through Action Medeor is the main contributor to this 4 years project through Caritas Bo and the Ministry of Health and Sanitation who has graciously deployed all the five tutors to the school as a demonstration of government’s commitment to supporting human capacity development aligning with government’s strategic priorities in the mid-term development plan of 2019-2023.
UNFPA Sierra Leone
Through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, we signed an Implementing Partner agreement with UNFPA in 2018. Since then, the school has being receiving support from UNFPA in the form of Tuition fees for students, Fuel and DSA for supportive supervision of students, student allowances, donation of 10 all in one computers, one printer, construction of three bill boards, preceptorship training, and also contributed to this graduation among other areas of support. For these, we remain grateful to the UNFPA country Rep. Dr. Kim Dickson and her hard working team, we are grateful.
Through ICAP, one of our tutors; Mrs. Veronica Bull the skills lab coordinator travelled to South Africa for training in skills lab simulation, we also had training in skills lab teaching methodology from a specialist from Lesotho. ICAP also donated two (2) Air conditioners, One (1) projector screen, one(1) Printer , seventeen (17) chairs, and two (2) desk top computers. ICAP also facilitated QI training for the teaching staff. We say a big thank you to you Dr. Mame Toure, the country Director for ICAP and your team for your support.
Through WHO, all tutors in the school have benefitted from the Competency based Education training. Patricia Titullaer has also been coordinating the quarterly Midwifery schools meetings, thank you Patricia for your kind support.
I want to thank the Directorate of Training and Research, CNMO’s office and the Registrar of Nurses and Midwives Board for their support in making this day a success.
I must be grateful to the DMOs, DHSs, Matrons, CHOs and Heads or in-charges of Maternity Units where our students are posted for clinical practice.
Full accreditation by the Nurses and Midwives Board of Sierra Leone.
Signing of MoUs with heads of clinical placement sites of our students
Signing of the UNFPA IP agreement
Launching of the School’s website
RBM training for the coordinator and myself in Abuja Nigeria
Retreat on team management and communication for all staff
Training in Helping Babies Breathe by MOMS
Training on Kangaroo mother care by Project Hope
IMNCI training for some staff members
UNFPA RBM training
UNFPA and Caritas review meetings
Quality Improvement (QI) training by ICAP
Upgrading from Certificate in Midwifery to Diploma for Faculty members
Training of Preceptors from clinical placement sites
Award to Principal, one staff and one student by the Sierra Leone Midwives Association in recognition of their excellence and dedication in midwifery education
Development of students Portfolio, supervisory guide and checklist, policies, course evaluation form and OSCE
Student led community midwifery project in communities where our students are posted in Bo and Pujehun
EmONC training for the graduating class
Helping babies breathe training for the graduating class by Dr. Douglas McMullin, Medical Director – Residency , Shasta Community Health Center, California USA and team he also sent 55 ambu bags for the graduating set
Participation in the quarterly Midwifery schools meeting and MOHS partner meetings
Participation in the development of the Neonatal/Paediatric curriculum development
Two (2) of the graduates have just returned from Lusaka for an elective course in maternal and child health by Global Educational Exchange in medicine and the health professions
Training of graduating class on family planning through the Manager of RCH/FP
Partnership with African Maternity Link UK
CHALLENGES: Although the school seems to be flying quite high, management still continues to grapple with some challenges including:
Non availability of student hostels so, students don’t experience campus life
No Staff quarters at the moment; staff have to commute each day
Lack of utility vehicle
No big hall that can accommodate all 150 students for public lectures of school events
Lack of high fidelity models and other mannikins
Some take away for the Newly Qualified Midwives
I wish to offer my hearty congratulations to the first graduates of the school of midwifery Bo. Please behave honourably in your duties, practice professionally, and be kind to patients and expectant mothers because these are vulnerable people to whom you are their only advocates at the time of need. Do not put personal gains before duty; keep your knowledge and skills updated frequently. Do not be afraid to say “I don’t know” as assuming knowledge where none exists may endanger lives. Ask if in doubt and never shun work in rural areas. That is where the greatest health need is. It is in the rural areas where you will improve your skills best and also make a great difference to the lives of expectant mothers, newborns and their families. Go, I say, go and make the difference.
In conclusion, let me say that I firmly believe that you graduands have not only acquired knowledge and skills to make you functional as you go on into the work environment, but that you have also learned how to put your studies and work into local, regional and global contexts.
Abraham Maslow, the father of modern management defined self-actualization as “the full use and exploitation of talents, capacities, potentialities, etc.”
With the knowledge and skills gained at the School of Midwifery Bo and your commitment to lifelong learning I am confident that you will continue “Working Toward Self-Actualization”.
In support of the agenda of the government of Sierra Leone to reduce/minimize and prevent high rate of maternal and infant mortality in Sierra Leone, the Director of the Reproductive and Child Health of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation extended a formal invitation in February 2019 to Dr. Douglas McMullan and his group from the University of California for a teaching opportunity for the School of Midwifery BO on the TOPICS :HELPING BABIES BREATH and HELPING MOTHERS SURVIVE (PREELAMPSIA AND ECLAMPSIA) in March 2019.
This invitation was honored by Dr Douglas McMullan and his Team who came from the University of California USA with six medical Doctors as Tutors , a nurse and Midwife who is well experience in Midwifery and has done 2,000,(two thousand deliveries).
From the University of CALIFONIA
Dr. Douglas Mcullian
Dr. Eric Wecker & Stella
Dr. Betty Patterson
Dr. Aron Zaks
Dr. Amanda Mooneyham
Sarah Madsen
Elder Moomey
Joshua Maisy
The Director – Mr David Yambasu
The Head Of School- Sr. Patricia Mokowa
Program Coordinator-Mr Thomas Jonny
School Administrator – Dolly Williams
Tutor SOMBO – Sr. Hawanatur Bakarr
Turtor SOMBO- Sr. Veronica Bull
Tutor SOMBO- Sr. Velma Cole
Tutor SOMBO- Sr. Fatmata Dakowa
School Chaplain- Rev Fr Kawa
IT Tutor – Ira McCarthy.
The student were grouped six to a table; each with a facilitator or Tutor. The following methodologies were applied:
Lecture method
Brain storming
Working in peers.
Results and issuing of Certificates.
At the end of the training the students sat to an examination to test their understanding.
A ceremony of certification was organized by the School Administrator where the Director and the six facilitators gave out the certificates to deserving students who passed the exams on the first topic Helping Babies Breath. The Occasion was climaxed with a donation made by one of the facilitators who has done two thousand deliveries. She donated seven stethoscopes for the Schools skilled Lab.
The same methodology was used for the last two days of the training in Helping Mothers Survive (Preeclampsia and eclampsia)
Another exam was conducted for this topic. The facilitators/tutors marked the papers and results were submitted to the School Administrator. The following learning and teaching materials were donated to the School:
Learners Book for the School – 23 Copies
Teaching Power Points – 3 standing copies
Teaching Posters – 49 copies.
Neonatalie boxes – 8 and 8 bags
Training Posters
Three facilitators Flip Chart
Ambu bags (Two) for the baby.
Another certification ceremony was conducted. The training ended with a joyful song on the topic HELPING BABIES BREATH AND HELPING MOTHERS SURVIVE by the Students.
Parents and guardians of the school going kids in the northern Headquarters City of Makeni have enthusiastically welcomed President Julius Maada Bio’s Free Quality Education initiative. A team from the ministry of Basic and Secondary School Education headed by the National Coordinator of the Free Quality Education Secretariat, Amara Sowa has successfully distributed thousands free ruled Exercise Books to thousands of school-going kids in Makeni, Northern Sierra Leone. The distribution exercises coincided with the reopening of all Government and Government Assisted Schools across the country yesterday. Mr. Amara Sowa told newsmen that his presence at one of the distribution centers was to ensure that the targeted beneficiaries get the exercise books.
Parents and guardians of the school going kids in the northern Headquarters City of Makeni have enthusiastically welcomed President Julius Maada Bio’s Free Quality Education initiative.
A team from the ministry of Basic and Secondary School Education headed by the National Coordinator of the Free Quality Education Secretariat, Amara Sowa has successfully distributed thousands free ruled Exercise Books to thousands of school-going kids in Makeni, Northern Sierra Leone.
The distribution exercises coincided with the reopening of all Government and Government Assisted Schools across the country yesterday.
Mr. Amara Sowa told newsmen that his presence at one of the distribution centers was to ensure that the targeted beneficiaries get the exercise books.
Mr. Sowa called on school authorities across the country to ensure that the exercise books are distributed to the beneficiaries without any pre-condition.
Mr. Sowa warned that anyone caught selling the free exercise books, “will be arrested and prosecuted in court”.
He called on parents and guardians to ensure that they monitor the distributed exercise books and make sure that only targeted beneficiaries get their supplies of the free exercise books.
Parents and guardians in makeni have expressed delight over the introduction of the Free Quality Education initiative of President Julius Maada Bio and called on him to ensure that the free Education initiative is sustained throughout his tenure of office and even beyond.
The Minister of Health and Sanitation Dr. Alpha Wurie has called on the ministry of Finance to allocate 15% of the 2019 annual budget to his ministry. He said if ministry of finance allocates the 15% to his ministry, it will help them to deliver medical services effectively and efficiently across the country.
He said they want to make sure that PHUs, Communities Health Centers and other services delivery Posts operate effectively. He said the objective is to reduce millions of United States dollars spent by people on overseas treatment.
Dr. Wurie made the appeal yesterday at the ongoing 2019 budget discussion at the Sierra Leone Bank Complex, kingtom in Freetown.
He disclosed that by November this year, government will recruit one thousand staff and two thousand in 2019.
The minister stressed that the free health care initiative is a good one, noting that since 2011, it has been funded by DFID. He told the audience that in 2018, 2019 and 2020 government is going to finance 10%, 30% and 50% respectively to the free healthcare budget.
Dr. Wurie also maintained that in October this year, 120 ambulances will be ready and will start to roll out its movement.
He said the free healthcare initiative is going to be extended to the disadvantage population including amputees, the blind and disabled. He also revealed that they are going to establish the state of the art cancer unit and major diagnosis center.
Caritas Bo Team Launches Four Foods Study On April 19th in Pujehun District
Lunching of “Four Foods Study” in Pujehun District.
Strengthening Community-Led Systems to Protect, Care and Support Children for Sustainable Well Being in Bo District
Target: 1000 children
Key results:
Caritas Bo revived and trained fifteen (15) Village Development Committees in (Kakua, Gbo, Selenga, Komboya, Badjia, Niawa Lenga, Valunia, Baoma, Wonde, Jaiama Bongor, Bagbo, Lugbu, Bumpeh Gao, Tikonko, and Bagbo) and fifteen (15) Child welfare Committees in. (Kakua, Gbo, Selenga, Komboya, Badjia, Niawa Lenga, Valunia, Baoma, Wonde, Jaiama Bongor, Bagbo, Lugbu, Bumpeh Gao, Tikonko, and Bagbo).
Community actors (Structures) including CWCs, VDCs, SMCs, community leaders and children participated in the development of community action plans for the prevention of harmful traditional practices against their children. During the development of the action plans, Caritas Bo divided the population in to groups including children, women, men and the like. The initiative was to provide the open platform where each group would have the free option to bring up burning issues without fear or favour Child protection issues the action plans wished to address included: teenage pregnancy, child marriage, child labour, child FGM, sexual penetration, and Gender based violence
Community actors (Structures) including CWCs, VDCs, SMCs and children participated in the development of community action plans for the prevention of harmful traditional practices against their children. Some of the plans were implemented by engaging in radio discussion programmes and participants were drawn from the communities themselves. Caritas Bo also did community engagement through community drama around the various child protection issues identified such as teenage pregnancy, child labour, FGM/C, early marriage etc.
1,250 (601 boys and 649 girls) Children were taken through life skills sessions focusing on negotiation, communication, building self esteem, managing peer pressures and stress, decision making processes and building of good social relations at community levels. Social workers organized storytelling, song, and drama for children. Caritas Bo supported joint training sessions for boys and girls on HIV/ AIDs.
1, 354 children (667 boys and 687 girls) participated in club activities. 58 (35 boys, 23 girls were recruited as U-Reporters and 32 children (21 boys- 11 girls) were participating in U-reporting around issues of child marriage, child neglect, child trafficking and many others.
21 (11 males- 10 females) social workers were given a Refresher Training in child protection, Case Management and Working with Communities. The training was conducted in collaboration with MSWGCA with the Regional Case Manager as lead facilitator. The training included the following topics: Child Abuse and definitions of various concepts of Child Abuse, Steps in Case management and documentation of vulnerable children, vulnerability assessment criteria guidelines, Case Management Tools and Referral Pathways.
15 Radio discussions were organised by Caritas Bo in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs to Raise Awareness onHarmful Traditional Practices, Sexual Offences Act 2012, Case Management Systems and the Role of Village Development Committees (VDCs) in the promotion of the well being of children at community levels. An approximated number of more than 4,000 people in Bo District (Women, Men and boys and girls ) were reached as audience. To ensure community participation in the awareness raising on radio, phone lines were opened to solicit questions, seek clarifications and add their voices to the discussants. Discussants were drawn from representatives from MSWGCA, Caritas Bo Staff and the community.
A one day Child Protection Committee Meeting (C.P. Com) of 17 people -(16 males, 1 females) was held including SSOs from Bonthe, Moyamba, Pujehun and Bo Districts supported by Caritas Bo with UNICEF funding. Issues raised included:
Absence of a resident magistrate in Bonthe which is causing compromise in several cases
No data officer for the Ministry in Pujehun
There is now a resident magistrate in Pujehun
The 16 year old girl that was stabbed by the 17 year old girl later died in a private hospital in Bo despite frantic efforts to save her
A one day review of District Emergency Response Plan to Include Child Protection Meeting was held. 23 people (19 men and 4 women) from different Ministries, Departments and Agencies attended the session. The District Emergency Steering Committee that worked on the final copy included the following representatives:
ONS- Mr. Kamara
MSWGCA-Disaster Officer
L.P- (A.I.G)
R-SLAF-Brigade Commander
Ngo Representatives Including World Vision Base Manager, And Red Cross Branch Manager